Sprint 6 Summary: Moving on the right track!
Watermelon Corp. giving a group presentation about the GDPR

And the 6th sprint is over too, can’t believe there is only one iteration left before the Milestone 1 presentation in January! Continuing where we left last time, here’s what we’ve been up to! Back-End Starting with the server-side of things, this time we’ve made quite big jumps in terms of the API and we […]

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Sprint 5 Summary: Roma wasn’t built in a day
Team photo

Continuing what we started two weeks ago on the first entry of these recap posts, here is what we’ve been doing in the past sprint! For this iteration, we planned on having a solid base of the API to start joining the back-end with the front on the current 6th sprint. Besides, we also wanted […]

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Sprint 4 Summary: First Steps
The kwee team working hard

Welcome to a new section on the blog! Now that we finally have a public website that everyone can visit, we will able to share this kind of summary posts where we will try to keep everyone updated! For developing our project Kwee we are using a Scrum-style methodology with two-week iterations or sprints. For each of […]

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Meet Kwee!
kwee logo, post feature image

Start a new line; in your life with Kwee! 🥝 As promised last time, here it is, the post where we will explain a bit more in depth what our project Kwee is all about!  The aim of the project is to create a web platform for tech professionals, students and businesses of the industry […]

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Hello World!
Watermelon Corp. logo

Welcome to the Watermelon Corp. 🍉 Blog! What would be a better way of starting this blog than to introduce ourselves and tell what this site is all about; because as you have probably guessed, we don’t precisely produce fruits.  We have named our team the Watermelon Corp. after a long session of brainstorming and […]

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