Sprint 6 Summary: Moving on the right track!

And the 6th sprint is over too, can’t believe there is only one iteration left before the Milestone 1 presentation in January! Continuing where we left last time, here’s what we’ve been up to!


Starting with the server-side of things, this time we’ve made quite big jumps in terms of the API and we can say that is practically done! There are still some rough edges we’re taking care of and many things that we didn’t think about that need to be developed but we can call this version 1.0 of the API!

The API is going to be constantly evolving and adapting to the needs that we see in the development of the project. However, with the options that it currently has and the validation that we are adding, we are happy about how it looks.

Besides, we’ve integrated the Passport.js framework that has allowed us to make OAuth authorisations so much easier. Thus, users will be able to register and sign in to our service in a much easier way, lessening the burden of signing up and having to create a new set of user and password. For now, we’ve added support for GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google because we believe that they are the networks that could most align with our potential users.

And not only that, but we’ve also deployed the API to both the internal and production servers and started joining it with the front-end. We already have the registration and logins working! Generating a user-specific token that it will be used to authenticate the user in the subsequent requests to the API.

Continuing with the servers, in our constant will of pursuing our users’ safety, we’ve included some security headers in our production server. This will greatly reduce many types of attacks like XSS attacks, clickjacking attacks, MIME-sniffing attacks among many others.

Even though this has given us some issues while testing our API from our development environment in localhost, it’s definitely a worthy trade-off.

Security Headers rating of A for kwee.ovh

Finishing with this back-end section, we are happy to announce that we finally have Bacula up and running!  This allows us to have automatic backups of our production and internal servers, and not needing to worry about any data loss that we might otherwise have if we didn’t back up everything enough times.

We’ve had so many delays on this task due to our university’s firewall, along with many other problems, that we couldn’t be any happier that we’ve finally have managed to finish it! 🎉🙌✨


Regarding the front-end, this time we’ve been focused on parts designed for the administrators of the site. These parts include the administration bar and the list of users, both candidate and businesses view. With the possibility to edit them as you can see in the following screencaps.

Manage Candidates view showcasing the lateral admin bar
Mobile view of the admin bar
Mobile view of the Manage Businesses section
Edit view of the Manage Businesses section

As it can be seen, expansion panels have been used during all of this UI, with the objective of making the overview as compact as possible but still having a great interface, without needing to open the detailed view in a different page.

In addition to this admin view, we’ve also (almost) finished implementing the Sign Up forms, with some client-side validation including. Some of the parts still need some depuration, and others some explanation, but we already have all the basic sections of the forms that the users will need to fill-in.

Add Experience section of the candidate sign up form
Add Languages section of the candidate sign up form
Add Skills section of the candidate sign up form

Finally, we’ve also implemented the search bar of the users will use to search for job offers among other things. This is the first version of it, with the filter and order-by buttons:

Search Bar

We haven’t progressed that much in the front-end department due to the fact that we are spending a lot of time learning Angular. We should be able to do much more in all of the following sprints, once our team has some deep knowledge of the framework.


Moving to other stuff, we’ve also spent time this iteration in a bunch of other things. Starting by improving the SEO Strategy and continuing by creating content for this very blog! We summarised what we did in the 5th sprint and then introduced our second team member, Alba!

Besides, we also progressed in some of our business strategy documents as well as in the chatbot, learning the basics of WebGL and producing the project management documents that we are required to do; including applying for the first time the EVA model to know how well we did in the sprint.

And this is what we’ve been up to so far! Are you liking the direction Kwee is taking? Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions, we will be happy to hear what you have to say!

Finally,  a friendly reminder to follow the development of this project along with us through our social media pages in TwitterTelegram and Instagram, as well as this blog. We will be updating them on a weekly basis so that you can be up-to-date on our latest progress!

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