Sprint 13 Summary: the beginning of the end

We’re back from Easter break with a new post about our last (13th) sprint! The project is coming to an end and in this post, we’ll go through our latest updates! Front-End As most of the main functionality is already implemented we’re focusing more on the small details of the platform that make the whole […]

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Sprint 12 Summary: Milestone 3 prototype shipped!

Welcome to another sprint summary! Already the 12th entry in this series. For this sprint, we’ve been focusing on fixing and optimising the whole platform so that I was the best as possible for the Milestone 3 submission and presentation we did last Thursday. You can see the video of it here. We have had […]

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Sprint 11 Summary: Restructuration Time

Welcome to another sprint summary! Already the 11th entry in this series. For this sprint, we’ve been focusing on fixing and optimising the underlying elements of the project as well as advancing in our Graphics Engine. Besides we’ve been going to different events to share the Kwee project with the world. Front-End This time around […]

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Sprint 10 Summary: new interfaces!
Watermelon Corp. Working

Another Sprint is over and that means it’s time for another Kwee Update! As we saw last time, we continue to complete the interfaces of the site while completing the backend and with our Graphics Engine taking shape. Front-End The biggest change this time has been the home UI, where we now have filters! Nothing […]

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Sprint 9 Summary: Starting new challenges!
Watermelon Corp working

Following what we talked about in the last Kwee update, another sprint is over and the project is taking shape little by little! This time around we were able to implement many essential parts of the system and all the pieces are starting to come together. Back-End This time around we’ve been focusing on adding […]

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Sprint 8 Summary: First Half Done, What’s Next?
Team meeting

Christmas is over and we’re back to work! There is no time to rest and after showing our first public prototype we worked hard on our 8th Sprint and its corresponding Milestone 2. This time we don’t have much to share since we focused on retouching and fixing some bugs that we had in the […]

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Sprint 7 Summary: First Prototype Finished!

First of all, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it! And continuing with the post, we’ve finally finished the 7th sprint and delivered the Milestone 1 prototype! Our first semi-functional Kwee platform is up! You can directly try its really basic functionality by heading to our main domain https://kwee.ovh. It will no […]

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Sprint 6 Summary: Moving on the right track!
Watermelon Corp. giving a group presentation about the GDPR

And the 6th sprint is over too, can’t believe there is only one iteration left before the Milestone 1 presentation in January! Continuing where we left last time, here’s what we’ve been up to! Back-End Starting with the server-side of things, this time we’ve made quite big jumps in terms of the API and we […]

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Sprint 5 Summary: Roma wasn’t built in a day
Team photo

Continuing what we started two weeks ago on the first entry of these recap posts, here is what we’ve been doing in the past sprint! For this iteration, we planned on having a solid base of the API to start joining the back-end with the front on the current 6th sprint. Besides, we also wanted […]

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Sprint 4 Summary: First Steps
The kwee team working hard

Welcome to a new section on the blog! Now that we finally have a public website that everyone can visit, we will able to share this kind of summary posts where we will try to keep everyone updated! For developing our project Kwee we are using a Scrum-style methodology with two-week iterations or sprints. For each of […]

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