Meet the Team II: Alba González Aller

As promised in our Hello World post, we will be introducing ourselves in different entries; and as it was anticipated in the first post Meet The Team I, this week is my turn to introduce myself, Alba González Aller, and explain my role on the project.


My name is Alba González Aller, I’m 21 years old I’m currently in the fourth year of the Multimedia Engineering degree in the University of Alicante.

I’m from Valdepeñas, Castilla–La Mancha (Spain), where I lived with my parents and brother until I turned 18. I’ve always being really curious and loved playing music and arts, which made me learn piano and the transverse flute in the conservatory for 8 years. In addition, I’ve participated in the theaters, musicals and many other after-school activities.

Nevertheless, one of my biggest passions has always being technology and learning about it. This is the reason why I decided to study Multimedia Engineering, to try to unite this two worlds. And this is also why I ended up in Alicante where I currently study and live.

I’m really happy about having made this decision because it has allowed me to start from zero, meet a lot of fantastic people and learn a great deal of things that I could have never thought of. Not only in an education and intellectual viewpoint, but also in a personal level.

At the present, even though I’m very busy, not only with the university but also because I’m taking part in the Vodafone Campus Lab, I’m really happy with the decisions that I’ve taken and how I’m now, in addition of being part of the best team there is, Watermelon Corp. 🙈.


As I have mentioned previously I love the music, I play the piano and the transverse flute; or at least I used to when I had time. I also have a huge fondness of drawing, regardless if it’s with pencils, markers, in a canvas or digital. I enjoy trying new drawing techniques, and even though I’m not the best the intention is what counts, right?

Besides, I like going to the cinema, I always have written down the dates of the premieres of all the films that seem interesting to go the first day to watch them. In general my favourites usually are science-fiction, superhero, magic, fantasy or space-related films. However, I of course love animation movies.

In addition, I also like watching tv shows, my favourites include Sherlock, Game of Thrones or some superhero ones. Notwithstanding, if we are talking about me we cannot forget my passion about anime, after hours and hours of chapters, there are a lot that I love, but if I have to highlight some of them, I could start with Haikyuu!!Shokugeki no SomaOne pieceFullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood or Gosick.

Finally, as everyone that knows me already knows, I love video games of the saga of The Legend of Zelda. In spite of liking many others, this saga is by far my favourite.

Role on the Project

Coming back to more serious topics, even though everyone on my team does a bit of all types of tasks because we all want to learn a bit of everything, it’s obvious that each of us specialises a bit in the things that he/she has more affinity.

In my case, alongside Izadi, I’m in charge of the coordination of the team. This way, in each sprint we’re taking care of supervising which tasks are done, which aren’t and why, and finally which one should we do in the next iteration so that we can achieve our objective of the sprint, as well as assigning each team member which task is going to make.

Besides, I write the report that summarizes the iteration as well as controlling the hours that we have spent in each task and comparing it to the planning.

I’m also in charge of the diffusion of the project, for example, this project. For now I write the spanish entries of the blog, participated in the completion of the SEO plan, as well as in the Social Media strategy plan that we will be doing soon.

But of course, not only that, I also participate in the creation of front-end components with Angular and their connection with the back-end the project.


To finish with, I’ll leave here my social media profiles in case someone wants to know more about me.

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