Meet the Team I: Izadi Egizabal

A new week, a new section of the blog! As promised in our Hello World post, we will be introducing ourselves in different entries so that everyone can get to know us better! Starting with myself so the rest of the team can continue focusing on the back-end of Kwee 🙈.


My name is Izadi Egizabal Alkorta, I’m 21 years old and I come from a small town in the Basque Country called Tolosa. I major in Multimedia Engineering at the University of Alicante, Spain, where I currently am in the senior year.

I enjoy continually experimenting with new things in order to fulfil my inner curiosity. Furthermore, I love modern minimalist but bold design as well as building experiences that users find intuitive and graceful.

After growing up in the Basque Country and having all my family and friends there, I decided to come down to the south-east of Spain to pursue higher education at the University of Alicante, studying the Degree of Multimedia Engineering.

After three years here, I find Alicante as my new home and I’m grateful for everyone for taking me in so well. Nevertheless, I wanted to get out of my comfort zone so I decided to go on exchange two full semesters.

For the first one, under the Erasmus+ mobility program, I went to the LAMK University of Applied Sciences in Lahti, Finland. There, I took part in the Media Technology program and in addition to learning how to endure Finland’s freezing cold temperatures, I ended up living mind-opening experiences with new friends from all over the world. 

For the second one, I ended up travelling to the opposite side of the planet and making my exchange at The University of Hong Kong. I was a bit hesitant at first but it ended up being the best choice I’ve ever done, the best 5 months of my life. I was able to travel to so many different countries, meet new people, culture, ways of living. It definitely was an eye-opening experience.


I am passionate about technology, photography and design. When I am not working or studying, I love watching films and tv-series or just walking around the neighbourhood taking some pictures.

I try to be up to date in the industry, knowing which technologies are hot, new design trends as well as the new hardware that is being released. I actively participate in technology forums and sites like where I currently help as a Community Manager and Business Coordinator.

Regarding my favourite films and tv-series, I have to say that I don’t watch that many films currently, mainly due to time reasons. Nevertheless, I thoroughly enjoy sci-fi, detective and suspense tv-series. These include shows like Doctor Who, Sherlock, Castle or Orphan Black and animes like Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Steins;Gate or Fullmetal Alchemist. If you have any recommendations, please leave them on the comments below, I’m all ears.

Finally, I also love taking photos or simply photography in general. I do it completely as a hobby but it was a time I even thought of making a career in it. You can find some of my shots on my Instagram; and even though I don’t have a lot of them, I’m planning to upload quite some more when I have time, so please do follow!

Role on the Project

For this project we are working quite flexibly in the tasks we have, learning a bit of everything is essential in a multidisciplinary environment as this.  Notwithstanding, following each ones’ strengths, we have some heads of each “department” so to speak (the subjects of the senior year).

In my case, I’m in charge of the coordination of the team. Alongside Alba and the preferences of the team members, we plan the tasks we are going to carry out in each sprint, estimate their duration, prerequisites and assign them.

Besides, I’m also head of the Design department, making sure that every user interface makes sense and that there is a unity between them. Trying to improve the UX so that the users will love the service and creating the base of the UI with Angular so that the team has a clear focus on the overall look and feel that we are aiming for.

Finally, helping Alba and Marcos, I’m also responsible for the social media aspect of the project, writing posts on the blog —the English version at least— and publishing them in social media so that everyone can read them. Besides, we’ve also created an SEO plan, and we will do a similar one for the Social Media strategy. 


To end this post, I would like to take advantage of the space I’ve been given and post my social media profiles in case someone wants to follow me 👀. You can find me as @izadiegizabal everywhere including:

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