Meet the Team III: Carlos Aldaravi Coll

As we promised in our Hello World post, we are going to introduce all the team members. In our first post Meet the team I, our mate Izadi presented himself, and later Alba did the same in Meet the team II. This week is my turn, I will describe myself and my role in this amazing project called Kwee.


Well, I’m Carlos Aldaravi Coll, I’m a bit older than the rest of my team, even though I’m also finishing my Multimedia Engineering degree like them. Let the record show that I’m not silly and I’m repeating the same subjects for 10 years, instead of that I started this degree later being older.

I was born in Santa Pola, Alicante, I’ve been living there my entire life except for any winter that I’ve been travelling outside practising my hobbies.

Furthermore, I’ve been a soldier from the age of 19 until 21, being part of the Special Operations Group in Alicante.

Nowadays I’m working as a full stack developer at Conwork whilst I’m developing that last project of the Multimedia Engineering degree.


Until the age of 19, I didn’t have any favourite hobby, I had been trying a wide range of options as football, basketball, martial arts… but I didn’t fully like any of them until at that age I discovered kitesurfing, which it’s my addiction.

I also practice surfing even though I only do it when I’m traveling because I don’t like to practice it here in the Mediterranean sea.

Following that last paragraph, another hobby that I love is travelling, mainly to heavenly places to kitesurf and surfing, but I also keep an eye to different places to meet people, another cultures, manners…

At last, another highlighted hobbies could be the cinema, I love it. In general, I like any kind of genre, except comedy or romantic ones, I prefer to watch them at home. 

Role on the Project

Talking about serious business, in our team, everyone does all kinds of jobs due to all of us want to learn a bit of every part of the project. It’s obvious that each member is specialized in the tasks that we fit in, or in the tasks that we prefer to do.

In my case I took the backend’s task, giving the API the power to serve requests. At the same time, I’ve been building a detailed Postman documentation to guide the usage of the API to the rest of our teammates. I also planned and built the database structure together with Marcos, another member of the group.

Considering the fact that the backend has been one of the most important part this first project’s quarter, I focused on making it possible to be working before the deadline date. Once the second quarter starts, the backend will only need just some checks and bug fixes or add some improvements, so then I could join to develop frontend tasks with the rest of the group.


To finish with, I leave here my social networks profiles just in case you are interested in having a look.

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